How the West Was Won Imdb

Subtitle preview:

00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:05,730
<i>This land has a name today
and is marked on maps.</i>

00:08:05,900 --> 00:08:10,820
<i>But the names and the marks
and the land all had to be won.</i>

00:08:10,990 --> 00:08:14,450
<i>Won from nature and from primitive man.</i>

00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:20,750
<i>Five generations ago,
a mere 125 years back...</i>

Subtitle details:

  • Online: 4/8/2024 5:34 AM   2 hours ago
  • Hearing Impaired: No
  • Foreign parts: No
  • Framerate: Not available
  • Files: 1 (47,071 bytes)
  • Production type: Improved a subtitle
  • Release type: Blu-ray
  • ---------------------------------------
  • Not rated
  • Downloads: 8