Terminator 2: Judgment Day Imdb
Release info:
Theatrical Cut
Subtitle preview:
00:01:49,826 --> 00:01:54,533
<i>Three billion human
lives ended on August 29, 1997.</i>
00:01:55,707 --> 00:02:00,577
<i>The survivors of the nuclear
fire called the war: Judgment Day.</i>
00:02:00,962 --> 00:02:03,750
<i>They lived only to face a new nightmare:</i>
00:02:03,965 --> 00:02:05,922
<i>the war against the machines.</i>
Subtitle details:
- Online: 3/18/2024 4:20 AM 2 hours ago
- Hearing Impaired: No
- Foreign parts: Yes
- Framerate: 23.976
- Files: 1 (27,983 bytes)
- Production type: Improved a subtitle
- Release type: Blu-ray
- ---------------------------------------
- Not rated
- Downloads: 11