Love Behind the Melody (Flowers Towards the Night of the Autumn Moon / Hua Zhao Qiu Yue Ye / 花朝秋月夜) Imdb

Subtitle preview:

00:00:04,950 --> 00:00:14,950
Sincronizzazione e sottotitoli a cura del 🪕 The Melody of Love Team. 💞

00:00:19,770 --> 00:00:24,970
Lute - Zhou Ziqi

00:00:24,970 --> 00:00:30,882
♫ Il banchetto è come sempre, con canzoni allegre e maniche svolazzanti ♫

00:00:30,882 --> 00:00:36,074
♫ Tutti i posti sono occupati, con chi dovrei bere? ♫

Subtitle details:

  • Online: 3/7/2024 6:41 AM   29 minutes ago
  • Hearing Impaired: No
  • Foreign parts: No
  • Framerate: Not available
  • Files: 5 (85,383 bytes)
  • Production type: Improved a subtitle
  • Release type: Not available
  • ---------------------------------------
  • Not rated
  • Downloads: 1